Samiam’s Scribble Pad

July 14, 2010

SALA 2010 Stencil

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — admin @ 10:10 pm

SALA 2010 Stencils

I have finished the long part of creating my artwork for South Australian Living Artists Week 2010.

The piece will be either titled “Industry” or “Hive”, im still trying to make up my mind.

Now I just need to layout my stencils and spray them up the piece will be 60cm x 90 cm. I am hoping to put it up on Saturday but I will wait and see what the weather brings rather than trying to deal with the wind

I will update the post once the exhibition is on

June 30, 2009

SALA work complete tonight!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — admin @ 12:03 am


after weeks of cutting stencils with precision, a windy night and poor lighting and poor workmanship have left my artwork for SALA not quite matching my expectations in my mind

at least I can resuse the stencils and have another go

But not before I leave for New Zealand


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